Get Started Guide for Helm Deployment#

  • Time to Complete: 5 - 15 minutes

  • Programming Language: Python*


  • Kubernetes Installation:

    • A functional Kubernetes cluster (v1.30.2) must be installed on the target environment (single or multi-node).

    • Recommended Installation Method: Utilize kubeadm, kubectl, and kubelet packages for installation.

    • Installation Guides:

  • Helm Installation:

Quick try out#

Follow the steps in this section to quickly pull the latest pre-built Model Registry helm charts and run the microservice.

Create directories on your host system#

  1. Create directories to be used for persistent storage by the Postgres* and MinIO* Docker containers

    mkdir -p /opt/intel/mr/data/mr_postgres
    mkdir -p /opt/intel/mr/data/mr_minio
    useradd -u 2025 mruser
    chown -R mruser:mruser /opt/intel/mr/data/mr_postgres /opt/intel/mr/data/mr_minio
    • Note: The data in these directories will persist after the containers are removed. If you would like to subsequently start the containers with no pre-existing data, delete the contents in the directories before starting the containers.

Pull the helm chart and start#

  1. Pull the Helm chart from Docker Hub

    helm pull oci:// --version 1.0.1-helm
  2. Unzip the file

    tar xvf model-registry-1.0.1-helm.tgz
  3. Navigate into the directory

    cd model-registry
  4. Open the values.yaml file and enter values for the following variables:



    For more information about the supported environment variables, refer to the Environment Variables documentation.

  5. Install the helm chart

    helm install modelregistry . -n apps --create-namespace
  6. Check the status of the pods and verify the microservice is running

    kubectl get pods --namespace apps
  7. Monitor the logs for the pod associated to the model_registry to identify any issues and verify that it is operating successfully

    kubectl logs -f <pod_name> -n apps

After the deployment is complete, refer to the Tutorials for a quick introduction to the core functionality of the Model Registry microservice.


In this get started guide, you learned how to download and run the Model Registry microservice using a Helm chart.

Learn More#

  • Understand the components, services, high level and architecture in the Overview.

  • Review supported environment variables in the Environment Variables documentation.